
Change or Supposed Security

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It is all about choice

To suffer one’s death and be reborn again is not easy. Too bad we have to suffer so many “deaths” in order to see the light. I think that must be related to the healing/growing process of moving from “…preferring the security of known misery, to the supposed misery of unfamiliar insecurity.”

What we are talking about is the risk of change. Here is my definition of change: All men and women regard all change, both good and bad change, with a feeling of loss [example remorse], and that feeling of loss always creates some form of anger. One example of the kind of anger we are talking about is anxiety. There are several others as well.

Why is it so important that we know about and understand change? We humans, and there are no exceptions, are constantly involved in change. Change never stops. It is always constantly going on in us and around us. The truly successful men and women of the business community have a good understanding of change and how you can control change to your advantage. You cannot stop it, but you can control change.

It is true you will not skid in a rut. But, you have no control where that rut will take you. You have lost your freedom. “You are in a rut”. To not change is to lose control. To lose you freedom. Laurence J. Peter states that “A rut is a grave with the ends knocked out.” He is talking about life without understanding the importance of change.

Mark Twain put it his way “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So, throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor.” Many good people refuse to accept the risk and uncertainty that change always brings with it. They force themselves to live in a self-imposed stagnant prison of their own making. They have part of it right. There can be some security in a prison. I would name the prison Opportunity Lost. When it comes to change we really only have two choices. One is to embrace change with gusto. The second is to not admit that change is constant and live in denial.

Someone said, “Life isn’t about how to survive the storm, but how to dance in the rain”. I believe, the happiest people do not necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything they have. Choose Change. It is the only path to true happiness and business success.