Change is King

Leadership Coaching (1)

If you are interested in more happiness and more income, this is for you.
If you have a clear and certain understanding of the emotions change always causes, you will be ahead of 90% of the population.  Here are some interesting truths about change:

  1. Change is constant intended or not.
  2. Most of us will not change until the pain of not changing is greater than the pain of changing.
  3.  All men and women regard all change, both good and bad change, with a feeling of loss and that feeling of loss always causes some form of anger, anxiety, or stress.

Understanding change and understanding how it always makes us feel is one of life’s secrets to a better and more productive life.  Most of us have never really thought of how change makes us feel.  We just endure the change.  If we can understand the “why” of change we will have a leg up on a better and more fulfilling life.

Everything that happens in this world is involved in change.  There are no exceptions to this fact.  In essence change is a part of what we are about every day and every hour.  Based on these facts it seems mandatory that we learn better how to handle change.   It should be a regular part of our education it should be taught in all our schools.  As you know it is not.

Get a head’s up on how change works by reading my new book, Conquer Change and Win.  It is an easy to read fun book about this very important subject that is ignored by most.  It is available at and other outlets.

In the book you will find out how to handle the feelings that positive and negative change always bring.  Once you know how change works in all men and women; and how to control the feelings it presents, you will have a much better opportunity to be the last one standing in any situation.

Let me close with my definition of change:   Change is simply doing something different and that change will always leave you with a feeling of loss and that feeling of loss (that pit of the stomach feeling) will cause some form of fear, stress or other form of anxiety.   It is time to make change a friend.  Change is king.  Long live the king.